Release notes

Features and improvements we've recently shipped.

April 22, 2017

Reports for individual Sequence emails


You can now click into an individual sequence email to see who engaged with it, and the exact opens, clicks, and unsubscribes.

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April 14, 2017

Bulk actions on broadcast opens


Now you can perform bulk actions (such as tagging, adding to a sequence, or exporting) on anyone who opens a broadcast.

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April 06, 2017

New integrations: EasyWebinar, Coach, ConvertFlow, KingSumo, and Kickoff Labs


A bunch of new integrations and some improvements to existing ones!

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December 18, 2016

Conditional email content based on Tags


You can now select which content, within an email, a subscriber will see, or not see, based on the tags they have.

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December 12, 2016

Filter Subscribers in a Sequence email


Add a filter to each individual email in your sequences, making it super easy to filter out certain subscribers from specific messages.

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December 07, 2016

Restrict Sequence emails to certain days of the week


Specify a particular day of the week that a specific Sequence email will send out.

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December 03, 2016

Delay Sequence emails by the hour


You can now delay your Sequence emails by the hour, along with daily.

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November 21, 2016

New Broadcast reports


We've created a new broadcast reporting dashboard that bundles everything together in one place. It will give you great insight in how your broadcast is performing.

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November 20, 2016

Unbounce integration


You can integrate your Unbounce page with a ConvertKit Form via Webhooks.

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November 18, 2016

Wistia integration


Connecting your Wistia and ConvertKit accounts is simple. Thanks to Wistia's Turnstile feature, you can now add an email opt in to a video hosted on Wistia.

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